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Francesco Vaccà Berlinghieri

D. Martinelli, Portrait of Francesco Vaccà Berlinghieri. Pisa, Palazzo Alla Giornata
D. Martinelli, Portrait of Francesco Vaccà Berlinghieri. Pisa, Palazzo Alla Giornata

Francesco Vaccà Berlinghieri (Ponsacco 1732– Montefoscoli 1812) was a district physician in Buti and in Ponsacco and later professor at the Surgical Institutions of the University of Pisa.
Married in 1765 to Rosa of lieutenant Simone Pardini of Buti, he fathered three children: Leopoldo, Giuseppe and Andrea.
The members of the Vaccà family were clear political supporters of the French, as openly demonstrated by Andrea and Leopoldo, who in the first months of 1700 published their political convictions in four pamphlets, but similarly evident in their father, Francesco: the chroniclers record that on the arrival of the French on 29 March 1799, the day of raising of the tree of liberty in the Piazza dei Cavalieri, he was seen in the piazzas of Pisa cheering and elated over the event.
He remained in Tuscany after the departure of the French and was put to trial but with the Napoleonic government in Tuscany, the Vaccà could enjoy new professional recognitions and Francesco came to be nominated Superintendent of the University of Pisa.